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Featured Q&A

Could You Share Any Dietary Changes And Tips That Have Helped With Narcolepsy?

By A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member 13 answers

Are You Frustrated With Finding Effective Treatments For Narcolepsy?

By A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member 21 answers

Who Experience Falling Asleep At Any Given Time Or Place? I've Fallen Asleep At Work Sitting Down On A Crate, Passenger Seat Riding& Etc

By A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member 18 answers

What Tips Would You Share To Help With Seasonal Allergies?

By A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member 12 answers
464 questions

Does Anyone Have ADHD And Narcolepsy?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Rantoul, IL

I went to my doctor and explain to them that I thought I might have ADHD however, it is not being effectively treated because I was told that the medication for ADHD had the opposite effect in people who had narcolepsy and that’s why it worked. However, if you have ADHD and narcolepsy, does it work for one and not the other? How are you treated for both conditions?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Stimulants are the usually prescribed meds for ADHD, also for narcolepsy. The same/similar meds treat both.

July 17, 2023

Does Anyone Else Change Position?. Your Head Starts Normal. When You Wake Up You Are Sideways And The Pillow Is On The Floor.

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Panama City, FL
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Yes… Every night.

November 21, 2022

How Do You Get The Motivation To Exercise?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Sioux Falls, SD

I recently had my doctor say there is nothing else they can do medically for my narcolepsy; so I need to make lifestyle changes. One is exercising and I always feel to worn out or tired to do that. Honestly, my energy is used up doing household chores or other daily tasks that need done. The other recommended life changes I already do or am working on. But this is the big one that I have been told over and over to do and I struggle. :(

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I play music and that gives me the little boost I need to get started. Plus I only do very short sessions, 10-20 minutes. At work, I do 10-20 squats when I use the restroom. (That adds up because I… read more

January 22

Narcolepsy And Sleep Apnea

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Tonawanda, NY

How many of you have had a sleep study after being diagnosed with narcolepsy? Narcolepsy and Sleep Apnea are very closely related and if you haven't had a sleep study to check for sleep apnea I definitely suggest it. Having my sleep apnea machine has greatly reduced my narcolepsy episodes. Maybe it can work for you? Hugs

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I just found out in August that I have sleep apnea along with my tyoe 1 narcolepsy. The machine i guess has reduced the severity of the cataplexy spells and I don't get them as bad but I can still… read more

October 3, 2023

How Did You Go About Asking Your Doctor For Different Or Added Medication?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Mchenry, IL

Second paragraph explains my situation a bit more but my question is this - I see so many people on here and other sources and support groups that are on a regimen including multiple meds. I feel so guilty for even asking and it's dismissed, like all I am to them is an addict in their eyes. I don't want to doctor shop at all and I know it's trial and error finding one that gets it... is this a sign I may need a new provider? If not, how do I get the doctor to understand the actuality of it all… read more

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I know of numerous people, me included, that have had much better luck going with psychiatrists as they seem to have more specific knowledge of narcolepsy- even more so than sleep study doctors.

July 23, 2023

Do You Find Nuvigil Wears Off By The Afternoon?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Philadelphia, PA

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I'm newly diagnosed type 2, and have started on 200mg of Nuvigil.
It works in the morning for me, but by the time early PM rolls around, I'm fighting sleep attacks.
I tried cutting it in half, and taking the 2nd half at noon, but I'm still absolutely crawling during my shift at work.
Has anyone had that problem? If I may ask, if you did, what are you on now?
Thanks in advance!!!!

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I quit coming here before because it kept denying perfectly acceptable posts but kept telling me to consider re-wording it… I don’t come here to play mind games and so now I wasted my time… I cant… read more

January 9

How Does Everyone Handle The Appetite Rollercoaster? I’m Not Hungry All Day But Get Hungry In The Evenings.

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

I take 60 mg of addrrall XR in the mornings just to be able to do any sort of daily activities and some afternoons I have to take a 10 mg adderall tablet just to get through the rest of the day.

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Don’t take too many stimulants. I have never taken stimulants, but all the western medicines I have taken can only control the dosage and then the dosage becomes larger and larger. In the past, the… read more

June 16

Does Anyone With Type 2 Narcolepsy Ever Experience Jerking In There Sleep

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Yes and cramps get so bad no help. So they added flexirel at night. Sleep at night all night. Unusual for me. I'm currently on 40 mg of Prednisone for a different issue. So last 5 days been awake… read more

May 31

I've Been On Xyrem For Several Years And My Prior Authorization Has Been Denied.

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Atlanta, GA

My doctor will appeal it, but how can the insurance company decide that I magically no longer need this medication???

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Every year a insurance company can and most likely will drop prior authorization and you start over. I always make sure every year my insurance pays for everything the next... everyone needs to know… read more

March 24

Has Anyone Lost Weight After Diagnosis Of Narcolepsy/treatment?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Sacramento, CA

I have consistently been losing weight for a few years without trying. I’ve lost around 30 lbs in 2-3 years. Doctors are disagreeing on the cause, one seems to think it’s my meds for narcolepsy, although I’ve only been on those six months. Curious to know if anyone lost/gained weight once diagnosed and beginning treatment?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Over thirty pounds! I think it’s all the amphetamines.

I know people will hate me for saying this, but I hope I don’t lose too much more. I’m losing some muscle with it and, let’s just say, at my age… read more

March 27
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