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465 questions

What Questions Should I Be Asking My Doctor/specialist?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
San Francisco, CA
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

And read about the test retest reliability of the test. It surprised me.

May 28, 2022

What's One Piece Of Advice You'd Give To Someone Who Was Recently Diagnosed?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
San Francisco, CA
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member


April 17, 2022

Decreased Appetite, Low Grade Fevers, Any Unusual Symptoms?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Florida, NY

Since the hypothalamus gland is affected what type of symptoms have you experienced besides excessive sleepiness?

Not sure if all of my bizarre symptoms are directly related to narcolepsy but some might be.
The symptoms I am trying to figure out are :

Low grade fevers (10-15 per month)
Subclinical hypothyroidism with normal t3 &t4
Extreme chocolate milk craving (about 40oz a day)
No appetite, without weight loss , no thirst either

Very interested in others symptoms, sometimes patients can… read more

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I used to get low appetite when I'm sleepy during the day and hunger attacks at night when I wake up. This in the long run led to undernourishment. Thankfully, my neurologists have prescibed a… read more

August 19, 2022

Ever Seen Improvement On Prednisone?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Florida, NY

I was on prednisone for 3 months last year and it's the only time I've felt normal energy, but it stopped working and cannot be taken longterm so I was just curious if anyone has seen improvements while on prednisone for other conditions. It would make sense if narcolepsy is an autoimmune disease.

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Sweats and hot body 24/7

February 22, 2022

Diagnose Of Narcolepsy

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Fitzgerald, GA

Hi everyone, I haven't had time to check into seeing about my sleep study that my doctor wanted me to do after I told him my medication after 16 years doesn't do as well. He is a family practitioner and doesn't know that much about narcolepsy and told me to go get another sleep study done. The more I research about sleep studies the more scared I become. I've seen where some are not accurate. And another thing I dont think I can go without my anxiety medication and we have to stop all… read more

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

They didn't tell me to stop my meds.

June 27, 2021

Has Narcolepsy Negatively Affected Anyone Else’s Relationships?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Commerce, GA

My narcolepsy has gotten much worse in the past few months and my dr and I are trying different things to find something that works. My boyfriend gets frustrated because he feels like I sleep too much and that I’m spending so much time and money on dr visits and medicine and it’s not helping. I fall asleep sitting up while we are having a conversation and that hurts his feelings like I don’t care about what he is saying which isn’t true at all. I don’t know how to make him understand. I’m about… read more

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I think that, for whatever their reason is, some people seem to just refuse to be educated on this. Maybe it's ... If they can't see or feel it, it doesn't exist.!?. Either way I cannot (nor do I want… read more

February 4

No Recollection Of Alarms Going Off

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

I was diagnosed with narcolepsy in 2017 and up until now it has been pretty well managed. Recently, I have been falling back to sleep immediately after I wake up. I will start dreaming and become aware that I am dreaming/have fallen back to sleep which prompts me to wake up in a panic. In addition to this, I set at least 3 alarms as well as a timer to wake me up in the mornings. Ive started to have zero recollection of any of the alarms going off and have been late to work 3 times in the… read more

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

How about moving an alarm or 2 to the opposite side of the room so you have to get out of bed to shut them off

July 5, 2021

How Hard Do You Find It To Stay On A Strict Sleep Schedule?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Boston, MA

So quite often I get off of my sleep schedule simply because my mind does everything to avoid it. I stay up until at least 3 a.m. sometimes because I just.. can't bring myself to sleep. If I put my head down I probably could fall asleep but I seem to have something pulling me away from it. I don't know if I'm bothered by my nightmares more than usual sometimes or what
Generally I try to keep on a very strict sleep schedule but when I get off of it it is very frustrating.
Does anyone… read more

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I have this happen all the time working with my dr. To improve it's not easy hang in there

March 24, 2021

Around When You Are Sleeping, Do You Do Things You Don't Remember?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Boston, MA

Hello everyone
So this is a strange question but I slept walk when I was a child then one day that transferred over to sleep talking. I have noticed often around me sleeping, things seem to be done that I do not remember doing. My alarms will all be turned off, doors will be open, objects moved around a little, and I have been told often that people conversed with me in the morning when I was still in bed and I never remember it
I like to call this sleepy me! It's the easiest way of… read more

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

One I was visiting my mom! I was sleeping in the middle bedroom where I sleep all the time when I am visiting! I got up and couldn’t figure out how to get out of the bedroom! I was on the bed feeling… read more

September 27, 2023

Not A Question, But I Eat A Lot Of Quick Carbs. For Energy

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Beaverton, OR

I found out years ago that if I was falling asleep if I ate something that was high carbohydrate it helped with energy. Unfortunately those carbs take their toll and cause liver issues obesity and diabetes. I would supplement with caffeine. Also, I used to dump in about 3 Tbs. of sugar to my cup of coffee. I am now trying to wby with fewer carbs now and am losing quite a bit of weight but it’s hard. To quit those carbs. Also low carb high protein is hard on my kidneys and does nothing but make… read more

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Sugar can trigger sleepiness and for me it made the nightmares much worse, full on war dreams. I can't eat sweets near bedtime.

May 13, 2021
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