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Are There Any Resources To Afford Sleep Study Without Insurance? Has Anyone Been In Legal Trouble Due To EDS And Narcolepsy?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Chapel Hill, NC

The university by me charges $6000 for both the nighttime and daytime sleep study. I am still paying off my neurologist appointment which was over $1000 and just reaffirmed my ADHD and checked my reflexes... 20 min, in and out. Very disappointing.

I needed the sleep study for court. I am now looking at outside areas (I live in Chapel Hill NC near Raleigh) that might offer sliding scale.

I do not want to go on disability by any means. That would hurt my court case to get my daughter home. In… read more

September 12, 2020 (edited)
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A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I took the abuse of my doctors and filled FMLA. What about the Disabilities Act? Possibly they can help as this has becomes more recognized.
My doctor has repeatedly suggested I apply for disability, but I need the medical insurance from my job teaching. I send articles to friends and family members from the National Sleep Organizations, the FDA and universities and hospitals like Harvard School of Medicine or th Walter Reed Army Hospital. I demand they read it before I’ll communicate with them again. You don’t need those that say you’re their friend or a family member if they aren’t willing to read such high esteemed research. I would tell them “shame on you”. This disorder has numerous side effects on your physical and mental health, actually causing additional auto-immune disorders.
Do you qualify for Legal Aid? I’d pursue all free advocacy agencies including SSI and the American Disabilities act and agency.

September 13, 2020
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Wow, those expenses are staggering. Can you sign up for Medicaid (or Obamacare) assuming that you do not have insurance from work. I am sure that there is some sort of insurance you can sign up for. There is no reason for you to be bearing the full brunt of your medical expenses. In your state look into the same servings that issue food stamps is you cannot afford your own insurance. That should be your first step. Once you get your diagnosis then move on. Narcolepsy can be treated. In this case I would assume that a "mental illness" I would assume that it's something a bit more severe like manic depression, bipolar, etc.. I do not believe narcolepsy would fall into this category. I wish you the best of luck

September 13, 2020
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Hi Irene,
I’m sorry your dealing with all this…
I have been misunderstood my whole LIFE, to the point my own mom got rid of me.

I’m not sure? but did the Court say you need the study?
IF so… The court should be finding the resources to fund your sleep study… period.
If not… Maybe get this suggested to the Judge, for a proper assessment of whatever the issues concern.

Also you might check with Neurological department at the Uni.
Ask if they ever do sleep studies for research and also it could be used in your situation at court. Just be honest in what you are needing and you might be surprised at how people can help you. Secretly, most people love the underdog.

My “family” (mostly the family that I married into) is deep in THE SLEEP STUDY “BUSINESS” and I can only hope you can find a true place who is truly concerned over what you actually have vs. selling HME (ie stupid CPAPs).

My Narco is impossible to dismiss (since about I was about 12). Plus I’m like a fainting goat sometimes (not always).

An educated idiot I am sort of related too, fell into the myth that anyone with Sleep Apnea CANNOT have Narcolepsy. Sadly, not even PROMINENT medical publications have convinced him and he is a part of the Sleep Study business my family (mostly now ex-family) operates. Make sure they do MSLTs and ask them how many they do.

All states are so different especially with stuff like Narco. In Texas the word Narcolepsy is seldom written ANYWHERE on a patient’s medical record because our law is worded so oddly concerning it that it opens doors for basically ANYONE to put huge limitations on your life. I cant say much more but there are less restrictive terms meaning basically the same thing, but those laws do not have the same consequences (yet the treatment is identical).

If you are disabled… It is very risky for ANYONE including a Judge to make certain rulings without proofs of medical conditions through the American Disability Act.
Otherwise, that is a total joke (which makes everything pointless).

I have learned to turn the tables on those serving me problems not mine to deal with. As a narcoleptic kid with other issues as well… I became more like a Honey Badger than a pushover. Get some teeth (use the system to serve you). Not take advantage, just have the same footing.

I have struggled with experts who haven’t spent one second in my shoes.
I have no problem placing them in my shoes to show them how little they sometimes actually know.

Best of luck to you, and often look and ask what others don’t.
Be safe

February 10, 2024
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I feel like many did not really read what the poster was saying. Each state is different in medicaid. The state runs the program. Not fed government even the it is federal program. NC did not expand it. She may have narcolepsy but until she is diagnosed she does not have it at least on paper. She cannot afford testing beyond what she already has not been able to pay. Is there a large university you could call and ask to speak to financial aid office and fill out forms for possibly an internal program? It may be non existent but sometimes there are. It may not cover this though. If you have not tried that maybe try. I do you have cataplexy?

September 7, 2021
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Just a note Guys, let's support the Ladies, who like many of Us, struggle with Narcolepsy. We could All use a break. Relax (not pass out) and take it easy. Ladies, the
road is paved in both directions.
We're all in this together.

May 16, 2021

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