Has Anyone Here Explored The "gift" Side Of Narcolepsy?
I for one know that I have an incredible ability to dream and recall those dreams compared to others. If someone was to ask me to tell them a story, all I would have to do is tell them one of my dreams and their jaw drops in amazement and then I tell them "oh that was just my dream last night" and then they're even more blown away.
I've read that some theorize that perhaps the shamans of the past were possibly narcoleptic because "they had one foot in the waking world, and one foot in the… read more
I don't dream ever
Whether it was a coping strategy I developed before I knew I had narcolepsy, or it's the side effects of the stimulants I take, but I have the ability to hyper-focus for long periods (when I'm medicated or excited about something). It's benefited my work as a data scientist & analyst. I heard it called being a "Ritalin Rocket". My wife would say that it's not always a "gift". It can be hard to get my attention sometimes and I startle easily because I'm not aware of what's going on around me when I'm hyper-focused.
I don’t remember my dreams because of the narcolepsy ☹️
I love this question. Before xyrem I did have very real dreams but they were often nightmares. The gift for me is that without a chronic illness, I highly doubt I would have the relationship with God that I have now. I'm not pushing any religion, but this really has caused me to understand at a deep level that control is an illusion and it's fulfilling and peaceful to let go to a higher power. I'm not sure that makes sense but I'm happy to discuss further if you want!
When I have to wait at an airport, doctor's office, DMV, I can fall asleep and the wait doesn't seem long at all.
How Do I Get Drs To Take Me Seriously?
Does Vyvanse Work For Anyone With Narcolepsy?
Treatment For Narcolepsy Without Diagnosis