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Does Cataplexy Worsen?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Milwaukee, NC

I have small episodes of cataplexy when I laugh my knees buckle, and sometimes when I force myself to wake up when my body is not ready my knees and neck weaken. I have never had a bad enough episode that I fell down completely, I worry that my cataplexy will worsen over time? Anybody with severe cataplexy start off with small episodes like these?

December 13, 2023
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A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Dear Corrina. First of all welcome to you and your family.
As someone living with that disability since almost 60 decades as it start at 5-7 years old with some partial ones. I can only speak from my own experiences and point of view as we all are different culturally, socially, genderly etc... I think that as we aged and get older some physical and emotional changes are ineluctable. We evolved with times, as per all in this life there is some good parts of it as learning to live, endure, and adapt to certain circumstances, medical or not. I saw from my part the changes not only due to the age, but mainly in which circumstances my cataplexy attacks will occured. Without medications above 15- 20 times by day for the full ones on the top of the partial ones. With medications and daily meditation they will occured between 3-4 times by week for the complete to more than 15 times for the partial ones. effectively certain medications by themselves or by interfering with others can impacted our frequency and level. But think of the progress of the research and the medications regarding our specific disabiIity which occure during the last centuries, and believeme I came from the dark ages when only antidepressant, chock therapies, internment where the support at that time that you could expected.
I also noticed with the years that my level of narcolepsy and full cataplexy attacks will depend of the days, factors and under specific circumstances,such as my level of stress, joy,surprises, and even tiredness; as well than environmental such as lound noises, frighten movements around me, traffics, crowd or crowdy places.
As we get older we become less self- centered than younger, which means that we are more affected by our surroundings and certain situations. This will explained,for some of us, why the numbers of complete cataplexies as we age increased over the time.
As a Social Worker working with homeleness and disabled population, and as myself living with narcolepsy with full cataplexy, ADD and hearing impairment from one side. I learn to dedicate my time and make a difference for others, this help me most of the time to less focus so much on myselve and more on those, suffering and impacted, as much that we are, by other visible or invisible disabilities.
From my point of view, we cannot change our uncurable disabilities, even if naturally we can expect that they worsen, we can only learned to accept them and with them to have those wonderful opportunities to support others in this world. I make the wish that this will support you in your process to understand every part of yourself, and provide answers to some of your healthy and natural questioning.
All the best once more to you and your family.

February 10
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I had a reaction to NyQuil when I was younger before even my official diagnosis it made my nervous system go crazy and every little sound even if I saw what made a noise would send my body into a panicked reflex state it never made me loose muscle tone but made me react by screaming unintentionally not sure if this is what you could be experiencing but it could be possible that what ever meds you take could be maybe affecting your nervous symptom ? Just a thought our bodies are so different and strange at times

December 16, 2023
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I have collapsed with mine but in general I don’t think it gets worse but I am more easily triggered. Noises, emotions, tiredness and now I have a severe startle reflex??? Anyone else have this???

December 16, 2023
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I have the exact same symptoms of Cataplexy but never fully collapse. It has not worsen during the years. I read in an article daily exercise helps. I only get episodes when I laugh or get really angry.

December 16, 2023

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