Does Anyone Ever Spontaneously Come Out Of This Ever? I’m Just Looking For Any Hope Whatsoever.
Yes, there are cases that have totally recovered. Very uncommon but it does happen.
We’re stuck on this ship, rock it out while it lasts. Could’ve had no legs, I’m contempt with this hand
All I can tell you here is, from what I read, is that symptoms can ease as a person ages, in cases of idiopathic narcolepsy.
In my case, no, as my (secondary) narcolepsy is caused by radiation damage to my hypothalamus. Keep reading all you can, & hang in there, yeah?
Can A Person Take Narcolepsy Med With Bupenorphine?just Curious.
Has Anyone Ever Taken Wakix While Pregnant?
Has Anyone Tried Something Called LUV? They Are Liquid Drops Sold Online. Also, Does Anyone Else Have ADHD Symptoms? I Have All! I'm 59