Anyone Find Anything To Help Other Than Prescription Medication?
Scheduling naps. Undershedule your day otherwise as much as you can. I'm finding it's better to put just one thing on the to do list rather than push theough three.
Vigorous exercise. I like running outdoors because I can (mostly) stay awake and can microsleep. I can't do treadmills, though. I've fallen asleep running on one.
Definitely scheduling naps like JCTheNodsy said. I have other issues that require me to also be careful about food intake (amount and time) otherwise I get insanely tired so maybe check if you get super exhausted after eating so you can plan around that too.
How Can I Stay Asleep, I Fall Asleep Easily But I Keep Waking Up Every 2 Hours?
Does Anybody Have Problems Getting Their Medication For Narcolepsy Like Generic Adderall?
Do Stimulants Help?