Can Having Gastric Bypass Affect The Narcolepsy Medication
I noticed I'm more awake at night than through the day
I suffer from that, as well. I fight huge fatigue and sleepiness through the day, so I’ve tried to do what they say and get on a sleep routine. But I find that regardless of whether I get a chance to nap in the daytime, I’m suddenly alert at about 11pm and stay that way til about 1:30 or 2:00am. I’m not productive, but my mind is just very awake. I can’t seem to get out of that pattern, but wish I could. Not going to sleep until such a time isn’t good and leaves me with a heavy eyelids-leaden muscles existence each day. I just don’t know how to break the cycle. Anyone have tips that might work?
I can totally relate to being so sleepy during the day as long back as I can remember. I fall asleep EVERYDAY at work it’s soooo embarrassing and yet I get home and if I’m in bed by midnight it’s a miracle!! And I am starting my day at 5am….why why I know I need more sleep!
Same!!! ✋🏾
Sooooo annoying.
I feel the same way, complete fatigue all day but more energy later at night when it's time for bed.
Me too
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