Which Narcolepsy Symptom Surprised You The Most?
I lost organizational skills. My brain seems unable to stay focused while doing paperwork, arranging travel, doing tax returns, making doctor appointments etc. Getting thoughts down is almost impossible, can't be concise, thoughts ramble. Before Narcolepsy, all this came easy to me.
Horrible Nightmares
Brain fog! Feeling like an idiot because I can't remember anything! Or trying to keep my mind on one task or another 😡
Before I found out that I had narcolepsy, Cataplexy!
At first it was the horrific nightmares stuck on repeat all night long till I felt like I was losing my mind. I have them under better control now but they have been replaced with other torturous dreams, vivid realistic recounts of memories both positive and negative. I guess it’s my brain trying to resolve emotional conflict or something?! It’s awful having to relive both the good and bad moments sometimes. For example my beloved dog died 10 years ago and I still dream vividly of her every night. 80% of the time near the end of my dream I suddenly can’t find her and spend “hours” panicking looking for her ☹️. I wake up sad every time, even after the happy dreams of her because it’s so real and vivid to me that my grief over her never fades.
Does anyone else have dreams like this?
What Narcolepsy Symptom Do You Have That You Didn't Expect?
How Do I Get Drs To Take Me Seriously?
Can Someone Please Help Me Understand Why Narcolepsy Takes So Long To Diagnose? What's Wrong With Our Society?