So My Question After My Last Post Is What Your Plan For Future With No Meds .
ok I dont do meds. Tried and found it to be a rabbit hole with a moving ball. Here's my best recommendation. Keep a journal. Don't expect to rest like others. Find out your triggers and don't do them or understand you have been triggered. Find out your proper sleep amount and expect it to change. Change with it but you will go back to the original. Exepct to get tired throughtout the day. Give in until it becomes chronic and then fight. I fight with coffee and caffiene gum. I don't take much anymore because I'm doing better on my sleeping. Some weeks its 4 hours and right now it's about 6. I go through about 5 cups a day. My biggest trigger is driving in the sun. I found a motocycle gives me the stimulation that fixes that. Good/bad. I hope this helps. Oh yeah do the Jesus thing too it can't hurt.
Bring healed in Jesus Christ name
Narcolepsy Minus Cataplexy. It Took Almost 40 Years For A Board Certified Sleep Specialist To Treat Me Appropriately.
What Narcolepsy Meds Work For You?
Has Anyone Else Used Illegal Stimulants And Then Discovered Why Later Life When You Were Diagnosed With Nargosy