Is Anyone Out There Using Vitamin Supplements To Treat Their Narcolepsy Symptoms? Specifically, B Complex In Therapeutic Doses.
I was diagnosed at age 11. I am 78 at this writing. I chose not to marry or have children after the diagnosing doctor told me my children would more than likely inherit this condition from me. Depression accompanies my condition. In about 1983, I learned that I needed to stop taking the prescribed medication Dexedrine due to its adverse side effects and long-term use dangers. It took me years to stop taking the Dexedrine and replace it with vitamin supplements. I had help from a Naturopathic… read more
Specifically, I use B-100s. This includes the B Complex in higher doses than the RDAs, (recommended daily allowance), suggest that our bodies need. I have used this therapy for over 40 years without damage to my liver. The therapeutic levels function as a stimulant. In the past I used ginseng. I still use l-tyrosine, a stimulant when needed. I did have to refine my diet.
I am a pendulum dowser. I use this skill to help me determine how much of the stimulants to take and when. I learned this skill about 1983 while visiting an Edgar Cayce Foundation 5-day conference in 1983. Virginia Beach, Va., U.S.A. was and is the location of the Foundation.
Once the skill is learned you can use it to get answers to a plethora of questions that are beyond our ability to get using our 5 senses. I have proven this over the years I have been using this skill, especially when dealing with my clients as a mental health professional.
I am trying to write a book about my journey with narcolepsy. The goal is to finish it before my time comes to transition, lol. Family members will be affected psychologically by your having narcolepsy. This is a fact. I am open to answering questions about any aspect of my journey or my present therapy.
I see a D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathy) who monitors my health. He understands the benefits of using vitamin supplements when appropriate.
I hope this information helps you in your journey with this challenging disorder. Remember, self-education is vital to living intelligently with narcolepsy.
Best regards,
Roger V. Rodgers
Good for you that you found something that works for you. I use provigil and supposedly there is a extended release formula but I have yet to try it, i cant seem to get it filled at a cvs. Caffine and lots of it seems to help (coffee)
Yes! Along with medication, (currently Ritalin), I'm taking a daily multivitamin and Super B Energy supplement. I'm not feeling any worse, so maybe the combination is working for me.
I've taken
B-100 for
Many years.
It helps me
Feel more
Balanced. 💗
Do Dr. Berger's natural remedies work?
I am using B1 therapy,If B1 doesn't work, I'll use B9 carry out treatment.
I feel that narcolepsy is caused by nutrition. I learned that sulfur can repair cells and change genes in natural therapies, so I am trying B1. Is there any other treatment besides B1?
Thank you!
Narcolepsy Minus Cataplexy. It Took Almost 40 Years For A Board Certified Sleep Specialist To Treat Me Appropriately.
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