What’s One Thing About Narcolepsy That People Rarely Discuss But Should?
How it affects your life in every aspect not just our sleep. Honestly most ppl look don’t take narcolepsy serious because we are warriors we don’t show the true struggle we face on the inside we make it look easy so they think that it is
It impacts All aspects of your life, family, social, obviously work, driving or NOT driving, embarrassing falling asleep, people think you are lazy or not sleeping at night or partying all night with little if any sleep.
Definitely how it effects your body - You're not just tired, you're body aches like you've run a marathon after doing something normal like cooking a meal. Not only do you not have the mental energy for lots of things, you feel physically too weak to even try to "power through".
How misunderstood it is. How different the condition is for each person who has it. How intense the fatigue and need to sleep is for someone who has it - for me at least!
How it's not just a matter of getting enough sleep, or lack of discipline/willpower. It's wiring, period. Rest is important, yes, but it doesn't fix the problem. Using medication is the only way I function, and medication only goes so far.
The Psychiatrist I Have Been Seeing A Long Time Says I Have Chronic Fatigue, And Does Anyone The Know The Difference?
Why Did I Lose Myself And My Personality And The Person I Was Just Cause I Got Narcolepsy. It Changed Me Completely. Why Is This?
I Would Love To See An Article With Resources Of How And Where We Can Find Our Stimulants.