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464 questions

What Is Cataplexy For You? How Correct Is The Definition We've Been Given?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Savannah, GA

By definition, cataplexy is "a medical condition in which strong emotion or laughter causes a person to suffer sudden physical collapse though remaining conscious" but as we all know, there's so much more to it. So what is cataplexy for you?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

For me, when I get extremely angry my throat stops working… I can’t speak or get words out. When I get scared, I freeze and fall. When I’m incredibly over stressed my knees will give out or my hands… read more

July 10, 2023

Anybody Have Any Tips And Tricks To Keep A Student Who I Believe To Have Narcolepsy (undiagnosed) Awake During Class?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Allerton, IA

I am currently student teaching in an elementary special education classroom. I was diagnosed with severe Narcolepsy and Cataplexy in 2016. I have a student in the class who based on my experience (not officially diagnosed) who has Narcolepsy.

Here's a little background information.. She is falling asleep in class and can be asleep in seconds and not wake up when you try to wake her up. When we bring this up to mom she claims that she wakes up in the middle of the night, steals somebody's… read more

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Tred carefully. Occurrence rate in general public is one in 2K. You are ‘identifying’ with the kid and that’s good, but be careful you don’t over-extend.

September 11, 2023

If I Want To Take A Break From Xyrem, Is There Anything Else That Would Help Me Sleep At Night?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Oceanside, NY
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Thanks for the pic

February 11

How Do People Cope? Are Doctors Helpful, And Do They Understand Narcolepsy?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Wales UK- Burry Port, Carms

I think that people here, Wales, do not understand about narcolepsy. It is certainly very unusual and I have never met anyone with the same condition. The consultant, who originally diagnosed it and was very supportive, sadly left (not because of me!!)and my doctors here don't seem to understand. One even told me that I should not have a sleep during the day! Thankfully, my family and close friends are supportive but, I am sure, a lot of people think I am lazy!

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I'm fortunate, my Sleep medicine provider is also a respiratory provider and his name is S. Parthasarathy, MD in Tucson, AZ. He is knowledgeable and concerned, I'm so fortunate that he is my… read more

August 8, 2023

I Took A Muscle Relaxer, Baclofen, And Fell Asleep With Brief Times Of Waking Up For 48 Hours After The Last Dose. .

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
South Bend, IN

Does anyone go thru several days of mostly just sleeping?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I put all the details in my answer about hormones and narcolepsy. Because of the combo of N + PMDD, I would sleep about 16 hours each day 2 days, before my cycle started. (Summarized).

October 2, 2022

What Are Some Some Of The Best Coping Mechanisms/tips For Coping With Narcolepsy?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Belfast, UK
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Don't fight it, go with the flow, and great tips above.

November 11, 2022

I'd Like To Hear From Those Of You Who Go Through Sleep Paralysis

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Collinsville, IL
A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

It’s so frightening when we are so young and experience sleep paralysis.

April 2

Armodafinil Not Working Anymore

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
San Antonio, TX

Anyone ever been on Armodafinil for a few months & then start to notice that your body has no effect to it? Like it you are back to square one before you started taking anything for narcolepsy. Am I the only one?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

I take both Ritalin and Dexedrine! Have for decades. They act like sleeping pills now! I only take them when I have to be up early or drive. I crash pretty hard, but I’ve never raised my dosages and I… read more

September 22, 2023

Oversleeping With Narcolepsy

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Cullman, AL

Does anyone with narcolepsy know if there is a medication to take at night to help wake up in the morning? I have been sleeping through all my alarms. My phone alarms don’t wake me up at all and I have even been sleeping through my shock watch.

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Oversleeping has ALWAYS seemed to be one of the Biggest obstacle for me. Both professionally as well as socially. I was unaware of any medication available for this specific issue
I will definitely… read more

October 6, 2023

Is There Anything That Helps You To Lead A Normal(er) Life?

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Carolina, RI

Have had a diagnosis of narcolepsy with cataplexy for about 10 years. While sleep was always important to me, I never knew it was narcolepsy until I started collapsing at work. I was embarrassed at what was happening and withdrew from life to continue to hide it. I did my research and suspected cataplexy. A couple of doctor visits later it was confirmed. What to do about it? Doctor prescribed Xyrem at night. Took some getting used to, but it helps with sleep. Crazy, a narcoleptic needs… read more

A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member

Wakix works for me.Not a cure just takes the edge off. My cataplexy is much less , I seem to stay awake longer,sleep longer but still only going to REM sleep I am not rested completely when i wake up… read more

February 19
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