Treatment Options If Your Doctor Can't Help.
Many years ago I was a long haul truck driver and we used Benzedrine and Dexedrine to stay awake, I know the source for these drugs has probably vanished but has anyone possibly tried either of them ?
I have been taking adderal for a good 15 years. The highest does and is not helping. I took adderal originally for adhd. But it doesn’t seem to work anymore. Do you have any suggestions?
Provigil to stay awake during daytime, but doesn't help with concentration and focus.
My Medication Doesn't Always Work
I take 40 MG of Adderall XR twice a day and have been for a long time. Now my morning dose isn't always effective sometimes for 2-3 hours ornot at all. The 2nd dose still does ok. I can't continue to live like this and my sleep Dr didn't pay any attention and just made me an appt for next year!! I'm so frustrated.
Is Anyone Out There Using Vitamin Supplements To Treat Their Narcolepsy Symptoms? Specifically, B Complex In Therapeutic Doses.
I was diagnosed at age 11. I am 78 at this writing. I chose not to marry or have children after the diagnosing doctor told me my children would more than likely inherit this condition from me. Depression accompanies my condition. In about 1983, I learned that I needed to stop taking the prescribed medication Dexedrine due to its adverse side effects and long-term use dangers. It took me years to stop taking the Dexedrine and replace it with vitamin supplements. I had help from a Naturopathic… read more
Specifically, I use B-100s. This includes the B Complex in higher doses than the RDAs, (recommended daily allowance), suggest that our bodies need. I have used this therapy for over 40 years without… read more
Has Anyone Else Read That Narcolepsy Is Commonly Treated With Stimulants? Ex. Adderall
I have been struggling with my sleep and staying awake for a long time. My boyfriend of a year (and some change) has tried to help by seeing if taking one of his Adderall pills would help me stay awake. I've found it puts me to sleep right the same as my Xanax does. Another friend suggested I try Vyvanse. I have heard Vyvanse is different but not sure in what ways. I tried a tiny amount on a day where I was struggling to stay consistently awake, and it worked. No side effects, just normal… read more
Armodafinil Not Working Anymore
Anyone ever been on Armodafinil for a few months & then start to notice that your body has no effect to it? Like it you are back to square one before you started taking anything for narcolepsy. Am I the only one?
What Do You Take For Treatment?
Over the years I've avoided the doctors after being diagnosed to avoid loosing my license. So I mega dose caffeine. So that is my medication for now. It's tricky and one day will probably kill me. It has resulted in high blood pressure and crazy heart problems, but it kinda works. What's yours and does it work?
Do Stimulants Help?
When I was first diagnosed beginning of high school, my doctor had me try a couple different treatments. One of them was Ritalin, but I was wary of pills and didn't want to go that route. College has really been testing my limits, and I'm starting to fall behind. Do stimulants help any of you guys? Which kinds help the most? Do side effects outweigh the pros? Thank you!
I’m taking Modafinil and it is helpful. At times I feel a bit anxious in the mornings after I’ve taken my modafinil.
My Doc Said There Is A Medication (name?) Distibuted From A Central Location (highly Controlled). Anybody Know Anything About It?
I currently take Modofinal. Some times it works very well and sometimes I am not sure. When discussing this with my doctor, he asked me if I wanted to try the above (he told me the name but I can't remember it). He thought it might be helpful for me. Only one place that it is filled and sent out from?, that sounds a little scary to me. I have been thinking about it because I am tired of falling asleep all the time. It is embarrassing. I have been tinkering with the timing of the two to… read more
@A MyNarcolepsyTeam Member I feel your pain. Same here. Dexadrine (speed) doesn't work well for me. Could take 40mg and a nap. Just started Vyvanse at it is amazing. In fact I need the Xyrem to… read more
Did Anyone Else “diagnose” Themselves First?
Has anyone else figured out that they had narcolepsy before their doctors? I always have trouble getting my doctors to truly listen to what I’m saying, and for them to not say that EVERYTHING wrong with me is because of my anxiety/mental health. No one would listen, so I talked to my psychiatrist and told HIM I was pretty sure I had it, told him my symptoms... HE referred me to a sleep specialist, I did the studies, and now it’s confirmed. I’m 32. I’ve been having symptoms since I was a kid. 8th… read more
It sucks that alot of people say the same thing. Doctors need to be more involve and if they really have a passion for their career, that they went to school for so many years. They should start… read more