What Medication Do You Take For Your Narcolepsy?
I’m currently on 60mg Vyvanse and 30mg Adderall a day and I’m still struggling to stay awake 😭 hoping to try Lumryz here soon. Tried Xywav and couldn’t wake up for the 2nd dose.
700 Mg Modiwake and 75 Mg Efexor and 25 Mg Anfranil a day. My sleep attacks continue and I am psychologically collapsed.
200mg Modafonil and 50mg Adderall a day. I still fight hard to stay awake.
Methylphenidate instant release. 10 MG at a time. I'm on about 20 or 30 MG a day. Also 20 MG CBD first thing in the morning and 5 mg THC at bed. Great sleep without the sleepy affect the next morning
Would You Say You Have Good Days And Bad Days With Narcolepsy?
How Can I Stay Asleep, I Fall Asleep Easily But I Keep Waking Up Every 2 Hours?
Do Stimulants Help?