Does anyone know if people in the us can receive disability from social security for narcolepsy. How do you find a job that lets you sleep on the job?
I did not get disability for Narcolepsy but I have 3 other orphan diseases as well. Geneticly I think from reading about Narcolepsy they are connected. Metabolism , Intestinal diseases, all tied into the autotonic systems. Try to find a physician who is a board certified diagnostician. I did not qualify for ssdi they said I was two weeks of work short of work to qualify. So for 30 years I have been on SSI that doesn't meet sub-poverty levels. Getting a lawyer make sure you don't sign any contract they shove at you read it and change that percentage they get if successful in your favor by half they know once you apply the back payments can be large and they try and take 40%. I got a free lawyer from my Counties legal Aid services. No percentage taken. Good luck and hugs.
Glen i got my disability in 2001, but it is hard. it took me 3 years. i am not sure it would have happened without my shrink.
It’s not but it’s a start
and that is suppose to make you happy. you can't live on that.
I know you can receive an ssi which is that they pay u 600 something a month
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