Do Others Think You Are Angry, When You Are Trying To Project Your Voice?
Hello I here people talking like it's fading out I try answering them but they tell me it makes no sense then I just go and nothing will wake me at all its scary sometimes as I'm confused of my surroundings when waking from this also for about 5 minutes or so can any body else tell me if this condition can cause some memory loss thanks Anna 😊 🙃
Yes but I don't have a good advice point to give other than yes it happens . Often leaving me with that is not how I meant for it to come out
What Do You Do When Cataplexy Attacks Are Coming
Do You Feel Like Your Narcolepsy Gets Worse If You Do Too Much One Day?
Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With Fibromyalgia? If So, How Did Your Doctor Diagnose It When The Symptoms Are So Similar To Narcolepsy?