What Medication Do You Take For Your Narcolepsy?
I’m currently on 60mg Vyvanse and 30mg Adderall a day and I’m still struggling to stay awake 😠hoping to try Lumryz here soon. Tried Xywav and couldn’t wake up for the 2nd dose.
I have been taking adderal for a good 15 years. The highest does and is not helping. I took adderal originally for adhd. But it doesn’t seem to work anymore. Do you have any suggestions?
Provigil to stay awake during daytime, but doesn't help with concentration and focus.
Anafranil Is A Drug That Sounds Like It Can Do Something About It
I dont know if i am imagining this but ocd is said to keep you busy and a tablet or dosage amount could actually put you in a deep sleep than usual to keep you awake for the next day and so forward from then on.